
About Pnina

Pnina Fichman is a Professor of Information Science at the Luddy School of Informatics Computing and Engineering, and the director of the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the director of the Doctoral Program in Information Science and the Doctoral Minor in Social Informatics. Her Ph.D. is from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research in social informatics focuses on social aspects of technology and social media in particular. Her studies of online trolling, examine political, satirical, and ideological trolling. She publishes also on topics such as collective intelligence, gender and technology, and ICT and diversity.

Prof. Fichman has published six books (co-authored or co-edited): 1)The Usage and Impact of ICTs during the Covid-19 Pandemic (edited); 2) Online Trolling and Its Perpetrators: Under the Cyberbridge3) Social Informatics Evolving; 4) Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future (edited); 5) Global Wikipedia: International and Cross‐Cultural Issues in Online Collaboration (edited); 6) Multiculturalism and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).  She has published over a hundred peer reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters and is currently working on two more books; one is a co-edited book about Social Informatics (Routledge); the other is about Online Political Trolling (Rowman & Littefield).

Recent Publications

  • IC & S

    Fichman, P., & Amidu, G. (2024). The roles of collapsing contexts and TikTok’s features in reciprocal trolling.

    Information, Communication & Society

    , 1–21.

  • Routledge

    Hara, N., & Fichman, P. (Eds.) (2025). Social Informatics. Routledge


  • Telematics and Informatics

    Fichman, P., & Akter, S. (2025). Political trolling on TikTok. Telematics & Informatics, 96.